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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Finding The Cure For Obesity - 898 Words

When thinking about eating healthy researchers are constantly trying to find new ways for people to lose weight. There are pills, home remedies or even the classic diet and exercise but the most unique way is to make it psychological. Trick your body and brain to think your full faster. More than one third of America is obese, this is a very serious matter considering obesity causes heart disease, stroke, type two diabetes and even death according the (CDC). Finding the cure for obesity will save lives so what are the best ways to lose weight? It is simple, take in less calories than you burn and going on a diet is crucial to achieving the ultimate goal of weight loss. When dieting you eat what you body needs and nothing else extra. There are many ways to go about dieting but a new revolutionary one is called the Small Plate Movement. This is a website says if you eat off of a smaller plate you will have a smaller appetite. (Small Plate Movement. (n.d.). Retrieved April 7, 2015, from http://www.smallplatemovement.org) Another way to diet is to eat only certain foods for a certain amount of time. There are diets set where they ship the meals to your house and you only eat their product this diet is called the Atkins Diet. Since being over weight is such a health issue, so many different ways to lose weight are out there. It is plan and simple and there are two ways when it comes down to it. Eat less or exercise regularly to counter act how much food you are eating.Show MoreRelatedObesity in America Essay example906 Words   |  4 Pages Obesity has been a growing problem in the U.S. for more than a decade. Various reasons and theories are thrown around as to the cause of this severe problem by psychologists, dietitians, and professors trying to pinpoint a single cause. Due to America’s vast supply of resources, luxurious living standards, and moral of the country, there is no one cause for obesity contrary to advertisements offering a quick-fix drug. America’s obesity problem is rooted much deeper than just cheap fast foodRead MoreThe Macrobiotic Diet Essay1242 Words   |  5 Pagesweight loss is in American society. One federal survey’s findings showed that 44 percent of women and 29 percent of men in America were trying to lose weight on a daily basis (The Science of Slimming ( Cover Story)). Recent figures revealed that 31 percent of Americans fall under the category of being obese, and 64 percent of Americans are overweight (The Science of Slimming ( Cover Story)). This is a problem because factors such as obesity and being overweight are precursors to chronic and oftenRead MoreDemographics And Diseases Trends May Influence The Delivery Of Health Care Services1701 Words   |  7 PagesStarting with the age group population in the United States at ten to twenty years, then obesity, and then the future to adapt to the health care services. However, the factors that can identify are the environment support and change of trends. In the passage, the writer will talk about aging obesity, and the future of the health care provided. The common diseases examples that will be listed and the aging, obesity, and the delivery of healthcare services that will increase and decrease for numerousRead MoreEssay about Benefits of a Tax on High Fat Foods, An Outline727 Words   |  3 PagesSpecific Purpose: To inform the class on how having a tax on high fat foods can help the United States obesity rates. 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However, the two terms imply that an individual’s weightRead MoreBariatrics As A Discourse Community1639 Words   |  7 Pagesbranch of medicine that focuses on the causes, prevention, and treatment of obesity† (â€Å"Medical Dictionary,† 2015). Bariatric surgery is a specific discourse community connecting individuals through mutual interests, shared knowledge, and expertise of treating obese populations. The field of bariatric surgery is a discourse community with several purposes. It encourages innovative surgical and nonsurgical solutio ns in obesity care. It formulates hypotheses and develops and conducts experimental designsRead MoreEssay on Obesity in America1221 Words   |  5 Pages Obesity in the United States continues growing alarmingly. Approximately 66 % of adults and 33 % of children and teenagers in the US are overweight. Obesity is the result of fat accumulated over time due to the lack of a balanced diet and exercise. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Education in Ancient Athens Free Essays

No civilization can exist without education. All that didn’t perished quickly without a significant mark. Ancient Athens had an excellent system of education and therefore was able to prevail and live for a long time. We will write a custom essay sample on Education in Ancient Athens or any similar topic only for you Order Now Education was offered to boys in Athens and schooling started at the age of seven. All Athenians valued education. Even though schools have tuition fees, many poor people paid the money (McAllister). Students from ages seven to fourteen learned three main subjects. They learned grammar, which consisted of reading, writing and math. Music was an important subject to the Athenians and so was gymnastics (Dunkle). Reading and writing that was taught was useful for trade and business (Dunkle). Athenians learned gymnastics to promote health and strength (Dunkle). Music built up characteristics, and entertained friends, and was used to purify their souls (McAllister). The sensible education system of Athens was beneficial to their civilization. Too all students in Greece, the basic reading, writing and math were taught. Being taught reading and writing was helpful in trade. Traders all over the world commonly spoke Greek. It second language for educated people outside of Greece (Mazour). Learning Greek, would help communicate with traders in the world that don’t have Greek as their first language. After elementary school, sophists usually taught the students (Mazour). From them they learned about poetry, the government, ethics, astronomy and rhetoric (Mazour). Rhetoric was the study was public speaking and debating. Rhetoric was helpful to the democratic system that was Athens’ government. This was beneficial to the government because people could speak well in front of people and creating good arguments. Reading and writing isn’t all they valued. They also thought that music was important. The ancient philosopher, Aristole said that music served as education, but also as a pastime and amusement (Dunkle). In music class, they learned to sing, and play an instrument. By doing so, they were able to entertain guests at a party (Mazour). Music wasn’t always for these shows, but they supported a calm mind in a healthy body (Mazour). The type of music that a erson listened too also built the characteristics of that person, or so Plato says, â€Å"Teach them the poems of other morally good poets, setting them to the music of the kithara and compel rhythms and harmonies to dwell in the souls of the boys to make them more civilized, more orderly and more harmonious so that they will be good in speech and action† (Dunkle). Plato’s student, Aristotle a lso agreed to this, â€Å"Therefore it is evident that music is able to produce a certain effect on the character of the soul, and if it is able to do this, it is plain that the young must be introduced to and educated in [music]† (Dunkle). Aristotle stressed that the students must love music, and â€Å"mere appreciation would not be sufficient† (Dunkle). Training in singing and the playing of an instrument was important. Students that learned went on competitions called Mouseia (Dunkle). This built their confidence and their morale. The Athenians had a special curriculum of gymnastics. In our time, it would be called physical education. Students had athletic training because it promoted good health, strength, courage, and it prepared them for warfare (Dunkle). Unlike Sparta that trained their children to death (Crystal), Athens were not concerned with specialization for a specific job, but to have a wide range of education (McAllister). Good health would lead to longer lifetimes and so Athen’s would be healthier overall. Strength and courage would be useful in battle or it public speeches. This means that Athenians wouldn’t be nervous and would look intimidating because of their good physique. Many kids studied from an early age. There were intelligent students that benefited Athens. The system of education the Athenians had been well made and because of that Athens was able to thrive. It is similar to how our system works today, with College and able to be taught/ or tutored by teachers who are hired. How we have music classes like orchestra and choir. Also like how we have dance classes and physical education classes at school. It is a good system that our education system is based off of. Reading and writing taught the students to communicate and so they could communicate with traders. Music brought peace to the soul, but also served as entertainment. Physical education brought good health and children were able to prepare for warfare. These features of Athenian education made the Athenians stronger and more powerful. How to cite Education in Ancient Athens, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Traditional Markets V.S Digital Markets free essay sample

Traditional markets is refers to considering Product, Price, Promotion and Placement before launching a product or offering a service. It is a product-based and company-focused approach to increase branding. Traditional markets also can be referred to as markets or marketplaces, is a relative to the supermarket stores, usually in a community will have at least one, the sale of goods it is mainly a variety of fresh vegetables, not yet slaughtered chicken, fish, etc. , in addition, may also have restaurants, grocery stores, clothing stores and other shops located in which these. Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year Fair) will sell part of the traditional market; will become a night market in the evening. In a addition, traditional markets selling fresh ingredients, and people bargain or requirements gifts, so widely loved by housewives, housewives usually during the day cooking ingredients needed to buy the next day or two. Due to the emergence of supermarkets, traditional markets flourished over the past, but the customer shopping habits (mainly influenced by age), traditional markets still occupy a certain position. In addition, the traditional markets in Europe and North America are not common. The traditional markets of the environment in general is closed, there are the traditional open-air market. Traditional markets in the environment do not feel very comfortable, dirty ground and many water stains. In addition, the market crowds, it takes more time to select goods and bargain with each other as people, the noisy sound of the traditional market is very large. ii. Digital Markets Digital market today is playing a significant role in the world’s economy particularly in the way of conducting business. Digital markets have a basic function of assisting the buyer and seller conducting transaction through the exchange of products, information and payment. Moreover, the application of internet in commerce is predicted may reform the communication in the market place and lead to the perfect market, which has many sellers, buyers and substitutable goods and services as well as symmetric information. Digital markets can involves promoting a product or service through the internet, mobile applications or email campaigns. In regard to internet marketing, these strategies could include videos, blogs, social networks, banners, online classified PPC ads, online business listings, affiliate programs, eBooks articles, RSS, internet radio shows, and other options. For years, digital market has raised many issues, for instance whether digital market increases the level of competition in the market or whether digital market affects the price. It was argue that the internet will reduce the search cost for consumer and increase competition among sellers that will lead to higher level of welfare and lower price of commodity. It is clearer that internet-based marketplaces will support better economic efficiency and maintain economic growth. The digital market may also change the way of the business implementing the marketing strategy and managing its relationship with costumers. In the addition, state that the internet can be used as an alternative medium by business to perform product branding and conduct transaction and maintain the relationship with public. This may bring positive effects on lower cost of communication and transaction, improved communication with customers and vendors in the terms of speed and quality, as well as broader market scope. Traditional Markets Traditional market is a business that selling products or services through the shop, not using any latest technology to promote their products or services. Traditional market is simple, in exchanging the goods and service with money or goods and service in physically, two parties will be meeting or connect physically, the main fact is that two parties interact about the deals physically. Traditional markets are providing a sense of place and being part of the nations cultural tradition. It was offering local access to fresh produce and other commodities. It also reduces environmental impacts. For example, it was eliminating excessive packaging or waste. Traditional markets are remaining an important element of the economy, particularly in relation to independent retailing, local employment and business start-up opportunities. In the addition, it’s not just about making a profit, but it is helping economic growth, it is helping the local economy. And it is adding to that culture a sense of place and the cohesion aspect as well, as well as spin-offs to education and what-have you. It does tick a lot of boxes in terms of corporate priorities. When is Traditional Markets used A company focused approach to increase branding. Only focus on products quality and company to increase their reputation. Traditional market, a product moves from a company to the customer through many different sources such as wholesalers, retailers, shoppers, advertising and so on. It’s about 60 percent to 70 percent money of MRP (maximum retail price) goes into the middlemen’s pockets and these middlemen are rich. Why is Traditional Markets used Traditional markets are remaining an important element of the economy, particularly in relation to independent retailing, local employment and business start-up opportunities. In the addition, it’s not just about making a profit, but it is helping economic growth, it is helping the local economy. It also can offer local access to fresh produce and other commodities. How is Traditional Markets used In the agriculture business these middlemen always exploit the farmers to get the cheaper price of products and then sell it in higher price, that is why all consumers always buy higher price products. Digital Markets Digital market is a business that selling products or offering services through internet, mobile application or email campaigns these types of technology terms. During the world shifts gear and operates in a faster pace, everything talks about effectively if not your business will be defeat by your competitors. A lot of company doing digital market on their business now, it is more useful and effective when they promoting their products to the market, it is not only just in the local market and also the global market, therefore they can earn more and more profits, increase their branding quickly and company reputations. And it start blooming when the information technology become more advanced and secure. It makes people easier, save time and money. Digital market is based on the electronic markets like websites, virtual markets and auctions. But it still has a disadvantages like fraud, unseen, spam which can be effect to the trust of buyers and sellers. Participants needs to have a general knowledge of computer to use well and avoid any incidents, are basically posted about goods and services with picture or sounds followed by price and it is seem similar to put goods into a shelf in the market. Purchaser will made a payment using online transaction or notes. When is Digital Markets used When your name repeatedly appears in search results, your brand image is automatically reinforced, regardless of whether users actually visit your site. And it can be more people who hear about your companies, this better for the company future business. Why is Digital Markets used Digital markets can reduce the search cost for consumer and increase competition among sellers that will lead to higher level of welfare and lower price of commodity. And it can make people easier, save time and money. How is Digital Markets used Digital Markets can involve promoting a product or service through the internet, mobile applications or email campaigns. It can be time saving and cost effective. Digital advertisements are made with mobile devices, SMS, instant messages, websites, and digital notices all in mind. Internet marketing and direct market are the techniques which are involved in Digital Market. Content: Traditional Markets V. S Digital Markets Advantages and Disadvantages i. Advantages of Traditional Markets a. Faster Results Traditional markets can produce much faster and more effective results with well-place ads that are suitable to a particular audience. It can expect a stronger impact in lesser time with traditional markets. b. Durability The truth is many websites are deleted, moved, or abandoned all the time and search engine results also change periodically. Advertising offline has no uncertainties in that nature in any way. For instance, you can give someone your business card and that same reference can be good 10 or 20 years later. The same bears true for flyers and posters although handouts have a slightly lower life expectancy than business cards. The point is that a business is more durable offline than it is online. c. Trust Trust is a huge factor of any business, regardless of how it is promoted. Many people are more comfortable with buying products from offline ads than on the internet. The reason is that you get to see the people or company you are interested in buying from and get to know them a little before you actually purchase. More times than not, many online ads and websites dont provide that same trust aspect. The lingering of endless scam sites over the internet just makes that problem even worse. So most certainly, trust is more established in traditional markets than on the internet. ii. Disadvantages of Traditional Markets a. Cost Expenses You must pay for advertisement in print media or live broadcasting, such as TV and radio advertising, is not cheap at all. The bigger the geographical area you want to embrace and the more popular the company you advertise with, the more money you will be spending. b. Availability – Time constraint is probably the biggest traditional markets disadvantage. Online websites function 24/7 while many offline businesses usually operate in between 6-12 hours a day and only 5 days a week. Besides having less time to market an offline business, you are also presented with the problem of customers being able to contact you when they want. Most offline businesses dont provide email which means that customers have to wait to the next business day that you are open or have to leave a voicemail on your phone and wait until you contact them back. To many people, this can be very annoying. c. Personnel Most offline businesses require some kind of work force to maintain them while the internet provides enough tools and support for individuals to usually preserve their business on their own online. Not to mention the added stress and responsibility of having to keep an eye on your workers attendance and overall performance. The wider the demographic area you are trying to cover, the more of a need there is to have personnel. This means that more money comes out of your business revenue and into the pockets of your employees. iii. Advantages of Digital Markets a. Internet Markets is More Measureable marketers today are smarter and more sophisticated. They see the value of measuring results and brand awareness is more difficult to measure then real visitors to your website and real conversions. Marketers want to make sure every penny is spent wisely. Internet markets allow you to see exactly what you are paying for. b. Internet Markets Makes Strategic Decisions Based on Facts – Internet marketing can make decisions based on detailed analytics. You can have the smartest and most talented traditional agency with great ideas and plenty of experience, but they will have a difficult time showing real data that leads to achieving your goals. c. Internet Markets is a Constant Source – When you hear or see a television or radio ad it is there one minute and then it is gone. If you catch an ad in passing and you missed some information you cannot go back and review it. iv. Disadvantages of Digital Markets a. Cost online marketing is not free. The cost of software, hardware, wed site design, maintenance of your site, online distribution costs and of course, time, all must be factored into the cost of providing your service or product. b. Interaction the internet is still regarded as a source of information gathering for the majority of your customers. Of the number of visitors to your site, the vast majority of visitors who are motivated to buy will do so in person. c. Security There are many incorrect stereo types about the security of the internet out there. As a result, many of your visitors will not want to use their credit card to make a purchase. The fear of having their credit card info stolen is a clear and present danger in the minds of your visitors. CONCLUSION In the conclusion, Traditional and Digital Markets both have their advantages and disadvantages. In the digital world we live in today, it is almost impossible for traditional marketing to not include some form of digital. With busy work schedules, more people rely on the Internet to buy, to help them avoid the trip to the store to save time, but also conducive to the shackles of their homes has made a good deal. Internet marketing, with its many advantages, will change the world of business in the future. Traditional Markets, this type of market is still less use around the world. When we see our national scene in Malaysia, I think the traditional markets are still important; we can make a lot of profit. Without traditional markets, we cannot offer local access to fresh produce and other commodities. And our culture will gradually be human to forget. Although there are many benefits of digital markets, but is still the traditional markets people are choosing. Because it is able to experience the culture of our ancestors handed down, it cannot be replaced.