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1)Discuss the mentalities and related convictions toward coca-cola of strongly brand-faithful customers (maybe like the individuals who were...

Monday, February 17, 2020

Nobel Peace Prize laureate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Nobel Peace Prize laureate - Essay Example In between he served briefly as Prime minister in the year 1973 – 74. This Nobel Prize held a lot of significance to the person receiving it. It is the highest honor for any individual to be recognized for their sincere and selfless efforts taken towards acquiring peace and stability for their country and countrymen. It was Alfred Nobel’s wish that the Peace Prize should be awarded to those noble people who strived hard for brotherhood and peace, sometimes even at the cost of their own lives, as happened to Muhamed Anwar Al Sadat. The Nobel Peace Prize of 1978 was given as a joint award to the Israeli Prime minister Menachen Begin and Muhamed Anwar Al Sadat for their courage in bringing peace to their countries in the face of adversity. The Middle East, for the last thirty years has been torn and ravaged with the scars of so many different wars and was badly in need of peace as well as a strong reconstruction program to help it to its feet once again. This noble deed came in the guise of the President of Egypt, Muhamed Sadat who exerted a lot of effort on the peace front. The Egyptian government was deep in debt and hence was forced to sell its interests to the British Government and linked the Mediterranean Sea with the Indian Ocean through the Suez Canal. These resources were then utilized by the British and the French to lay the foundation for a strong political control over Egypt and its affairs. He completed his education at the Military College. In Egypt and soon after his graduation, he was posted at a distant out post by the government authorities. It was during this time that he met a person called Gamal Abdel Nasser and began a long political association with him, which finally led to his presidency. This out post served as the culmination point of revolutionaries like himself who were determined to overthrow the British rule. Sadat went to jail a couple of times

Monday, February 3, 2020

Philosophy questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Philosophy questions - Essay Example The other key responsibility of a CFO is to come out with such financial statements that accurately and in a transparent way reflect on the financial health of the firm (Korey 72). Though, the drafting of the financial reports happens to be the responsibility of all the executives, it is the CFO who has the eventual determining influence on such financial reports. So, while drafting such financial reports, I will always try not to be influenced by any other concern and be above board and professional in the discharge of my duties. One serious responsibility that I will be required to perform will be to honestly and accurately detail the board, if I feel that the CEO tends to differ with me regarding any reporting protocol, and one’s views are misplaced and faulty. No doubt, the board and the investors will look up to me for facts, and not basing my reporting on facts will amount to being unethical on my